Some Underrated Shit Released in 2009:
MOON - by Duncan Jones
Released by Sony Picture Classics around the midpoint of the year, Moon stars Sam Rockwell as an astronaut (cleverly enough, named 'Sam') who lives and works alone on a Moon base, collecting energy for people back on Earth. His only companion is a robot, voiced coldly and brilliantly by Kevin Spacey. It starts off simple enough, Sam is nearing the end of his 3-year contract, and is getting a little homesick. As it progresses, Sam discovers that there is more going on behind the scenes in his one-man operation than he has been led to believe. First time Director Duncan Jones, who also came up with the story, plays with a number of sci-fi conventions while still managing to present a fresh and engrossing tale that is original in it's own way. I don't want to spoil anything about the story for any readers, so go see it.MOON - by Duncan Jones
'55 Cadillac' - by Andrew WK

There has been a bit of controversy of late regarding whether or not Andrew WK is really making his own music. According to some he was just a figure head of a studio project, and he had no say in the music he wrote. Whatever, I don't care. I've always liked the dude, and his music, even the somewhat bizarre 'lost' album, Close Calls With Brick Walls (being re-released Worldwide next February). So when he released a solo album of all piano improvisations, I thought what anyone else in my shoes might have thought, "what the fuck?". However, as it turns out, the dude is an excellent pianist, and really has crafted some compelling music all by his lonesome (or did Steev Mike do it??). I read in an interview that his idea was that the album could be a companion piece to a late night drive, and it works. It treads the line between background music and fist pumping rock, with wild emotional shifts that keep your ears attentive. Whether or not the dude is genuine, I'll let you decide, but whoever or whatever is behind the music itself shouldn't stop, y'know, partying.
Up Next: Some Overrated Shit Released in 2009.
Coming Soon: The Top 66 Long Play Records Released in the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Nine.
Even Later: Countdown to the End Times - Dick Clark and Friends 2012 Celestial Annihilation Celebration.
Bashah Black Belgian Double IPA

Okay, you're saying to yourself right now, 'Phillip, you have fucking lost it, how is this eight-dollar-a-bottle beer underrated?' and, well, you make a point. But let me counter with this, yeah it's expensive, which is why you didn't try it, which is why I am here telling you about it. This beer is heaven in my mouth every time I drink it. Brewed jointly with love by the folks at Stone Brewing Co. from Cali and the Brew Dog fellas from Scotland, Bashah has the rich, full taste of a Black Ale with a crisp Hop aftertaste. One killer brew from a couple of the best Breweries who do the damn thing, do yourself a favor and buy one of these before they're gone to the history books.
Up Next: Some Overrated Shit Released in 2009.
Coming Soon: The Top 66 Long Play Records Released in the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Nine.
Even Later: Countdown to the End Times - Dick Clark and Friends 2012 Celestial Annihilation Celebration.
Yeah all of these things fell under the radar for me. I did want to see Moon but somebody ruined the whole twist thing for me. Still, I'll check it out on dvd. The other things didn't even exist until you told me about them just now.
Okay, keep it up. Looking forward to the album of the year list.
p.s. you failed to mention that Andrew WK is Jesus.
the thing about Moon that's so great, is that someone spoiled the 'twist' for me too and the movie still ruled. In fact the 'twist' comes about halfway through the flick and goes someplace else entirely from there. definitely Netflix that shit.
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